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Yash Diniz

👨‍💻 Software & Cloud

Tech Lead at Velocilabs⚡.

🌏📍Goa, India

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About Me

Driven by my desire to solve world problems (and my problems) through technology, I leverage my passion for software, engineering, and systems architecture. I tinker mainly in Go and NodeJS, and I'm also Tech Lead at Team Velocilabs, creators of Spyke Social and other products.

My expertise lies in building and designing microservices deployed using cloud-native solutions (like Docker & Kubernetes), with a relentless focus on reducing vendor lock-in while offering simplicity, maintainability, and performance. I'm a strong advocate of DRY principles and design patterns, ensuring my code is secure, well-documented, and easy to understand.

Beyond my coding skills, I have a deep interest in systems design, machine intelligence, IoT, and data engineering. I'm constantly learning and exploring new technologies and methodologies to improve my craft and contribute to a better future.

Connect with me on Telegram or LinkedIn. While I appreciate your interest in connecting, I value your privacy and currently limit email contact. Please connect through the channels listed above.


I am addicted to learning and continuously discovering new things, and I love to experience the thrill and joy of building new applications. I tend to choose this sometimes over food, sleep, and even hygiene. Recently discovered energy management, and that really vibed with the way I operate, maybe it's better than time management?

I do have difficulty delegating tasks, been working on building trust and collaboration. I need to get to know you well before I can collaborate with you, so I guess that's a good thing?

I normally tend to over-explain and provide detailed and descriptive answers for any question asked. Friends used to call me a college professor who explained stuff really well ;) Being brief is something I've been working on.